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Typical paperwork used to operate trains on the railroad.
- Bad Order Form
- Bad order form in use during the 1970's.
- Bulletin #1330 (1968)
- A track bulletin covers the movement of the business car ROAMER over the
railroad on May 9-10, 1968.
- Switch Lists
- The cars, loads, and destinations of freight cars picked up and set out by
a train.
- [A&W 1967.10.30]
[GBW 1984] [GBW 1986]
- Train List
- A switching list for Train No. 1 on Friday, August 22, 1986.
- Train Orders
- Dispatching forms were used to relocate the meeting spot for trains and
alter the rules of the Timetable.
- Bill of Lading (1937)
- This provides is the GBW's freight agent the information needed to bill
the car movement.
Waybills (1962)
- A listing all the inbound loaded freight cars received by the Ahnapee
&Western Railway from July 1 through August 27, 1962.